Progress is So Sweet

“Everybody needs four things in life; something to do, someone to love, someone to believe in, and something to hope for.”  By Lou Holtz

Progressing Towards Success!

Tara is now completing her second week of teaching completed and all seems well and good. Her notes to me are very positive and that is sweet and beautiful music to my ears. Keep it up Tara!

Also, just breaking news! We are back at looking at the Pathway Project. Late breaking news is the two students have had their visa interviews moved up to mid April. This provides us sufficient time to make arrangements for them to travel to the USA if the approvals are granted. So, hold on and keep your plans and calendars open for mid June. We may be back on track.

Campaign Updates

The two fundraising campaigns made significant progress this ten days.

Anne G. Broady Scholarship Fund

Goal  $1,800.00    Actual  $1,550.00 (86%)    Deadline  March 24, 2024 (extended)


Some of the students have already been awarded scholarships and are attending school. Thanks for the early donations. We still have a short distance to go to reach our goal. I ask those who have reported intentions to donate, please do so soon. The excitement is running high and we are trying to get as many bottoms in school seats as possible…as soon as possible.

Thanks to all you supporters. For those not intending to donate funds, stay involved and help by providing positive thoughts and prayers. We all get to the finish line together.



Executive Director Salary Support Fund

Goal $2,000.00  Actual $1,375.00 (69%)  Deadline  April 8, 2024 (extended)

We can already sense the difference having a veteran educator in charge of the day to day operations. Catalina has been actively planning and getting things prepared for a smooth start up at the Copey Learning Center. She is actively helping Tara get settled in and is providing excellent leadership.

Some “Friends” have visited Copey and have witnessed the challenges a small community faces with very few resources available. For most small communities with meager resources in Costa Rica, quality English education is very rare and mostly non-existent. It is a major challenge attracting high caliber personnel to take on a long time commitment of running a learning center under limited social and economic conditions. It takes someone willing to sacrifice time, talent, and potentially suitable wages to commit to a year long or longer to help produce a successful community school.

We are fortunate as Friends and Copey is equally fortunate. Friends helping the community support the necessary leadership is vital to the continuation, high educational standards, and ultimate success of a competent English speaking student. Our partnership has endured ten years and together we have overcome those enormous challenges other similar communities face. It is an awesome feeling to realize how little it takes to help someone have a life changing educational experience.

Note: Both campaigns are extended about 3 weeks. Scholarships are being awarded based on what has been received to date.

Campaign Donation Guidelines

The methods available for donating have not changed since the first fundraising campaign in 2014. If you are planning to be a financial supporter this year, the two methods below have served us well and without any complications.

The Copey Learning Center’s PayPal can be used to make donations directly. Please access the PayPal system by clicking on…. Find the PayPal logo in the upper right-hand corner of their homepage. To make certain the Copey Learning Center recognizes your donation and how it should be applied, indicate in the comment section on PayPal that the donation supports the “AGBCSF” or the “EDSS”.

The alternate method is to send me your donation directly. Make the check out to me (Arthur Broady). Once received, your donation will be paid to the same Learning Center PayPal system as in Method #1. I will enter your name and designate where it is to be applied per your directions. The PayPal system will issue me a receipt which I send to you as “proof” the donation has been submitted to the Learning Center in your name. Make your check out to Arthur Broady and send to:

Carol Barnard, 404 Birch Avenue, Richland, WA 99352 

Contact me at 1-509-948-6416 if you have questions.

Reminder: If sending me your check, please DO NOT make the check out to the Copey Learning Center or “Friends of  Copey”. My bank will not allow me to deposit the check unless my name is entered.

If there is a special request pertaining to 501(c)3 and IRS, please contact me.


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