“Another Look Back in Time….”

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” – Douglas Adams

There is still no news from Copey due to Angela being in the USA on business. As I promised last week, I will use this opportunity again to share a few photos as we look back at the journey “Friends of Copey” has been on. I received a few positive comments from “Friends” last week.  Thanks!

Many of you have seen the note Eve Solomon sent to us back in January regarding the importance and impact our support, especially the scholarship support, has had on the students at the Learning Center. There are about 16 students being supported at this time.

Eve LetterThe note is one I cherish and hope all of the “Friends of Copey” will take to heart.  It provides such clear evidence that what we do truly makes a difference. It is awesome to just ponder how a small project like this can impact lives in a small remote community. Hearts of Servants” as you know is one of my favorite terms.There is much that can be said biblically about a “servant’s heart” but I am too ill-equipped to start with a sermon. But, it is interesting that it was asked by Jesus…”For who is greater, the one who is seated at the table being served by the servants, or the one who serves? Jesus answered indicating the one who serves is greater. Luke 22:27.  I thank you for your willingness to serve.

By now you know that I strongly believe in prayer and that our first order of business with this project is to pray. Those among us who share this belief are asked to be in constant prayer for this project to be all it can be for the Copey community. We also believe there are those who are strong advocates of “positive thinking”. People who see the glass half full and not half empty. Those who related to President Kennedy’s timeless words…“not ask what can my country do for me…but what can I do for my country?”.  The can do/will do attitude has taken us a long way in this project.

I highly regard the quote from John Wooden…”Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do”.  There are many examples of this but the most Nutcracker 4astounding example pertains to Eve Solomon’s decision to introduce Learning Center young girls to the ballet. The decision had amazing results and ended up with her ballet students on the big stage in San Jose performing with others in The Nutcracker.  I have tears of joy when I consider how the decision to start the ballet lessons eventually ended so successfully and impacting young girls, their parents, and the community of Copey.

There is no price one can place on the life long memories these young performers now have because one person focused on what she could do…not letting what she could not do interfere.

Ballet Line Up

Over the year and a half while “Friends of Copey” has been active with the help of this Blog, I have had many moments of joy. The record of accomplishments is large and serves to inspire us to keep looking for opportunities to encourage and support the educational efforts being made in Copey. I ask you to continue doing something…praying, offering your positive encouragement, and looking at ways to do what you can and not worry about what you can not do.

For certain there are times when disappointment comes banging on my door. I get a little frustrated when progress seems too slow and/or my expectations seem out of sync with reality. I know and understand that some people have only a short-term interest or no interest at all in this project. This is a very different kind of project and the approach is unique. This project does not require hours and hours of service and labor, it does not demand large amounts of money, and rocket scientists are not needed to make a difference in a child’s life.

The Banner says it all!

There has been many lost “Friends” who have moved on and “failed to launch” initiatives over the life of this project. The list of failures is about as long as the list of accomplishments and this brings us back to the glass half full/half empty theory. We decide the glass is half full because the real beauty or magic of this project is that a new opportunity always comes knocking, a new person with interest shows up, and the hopes for new accomplishments emerge.

I value all of you who check in occasionally, respond to a Post, help with initiatives, get out your checkbook, pray, and believe in the positive. You are keeping this project moving forward. You are the reason for the motto for this project…”When many (of you) do (even) just a little…a lot will get done for kids”.

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