Now This Is God’s Country….

This week’s Post is coming from East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. I have been here to attend meetings at my college and to visit my oldest son, daughter-in-law and three grandchildren. This part of the country is so beautiful and is so good to me. My friends living here along with these very familiar surroundings always provide me with the sense of being home. A place that is historically rich and post card beautiful.

This time I also noticed how similar Copey is to this area of our country. It is rural farm land, rolling hills, farm animals, and the slow pace everyone seems to enjoy. Just as Copey, this place is something very special.

Famous Duke Pond on the Campus
Famous Duck Pond on the Campus

I continue to work on setting up a “Pathway” that will provide a Copey student the chance to come to Emory & Henry College for a short time to be introduced to the area, the college, and the wonderful opportunities he or she would experience. Progress has been slow because of a variety of reasons, some relating to this being an international student arrangement.

Campus of Emory & Henry College
Campus of Emory & Henry College

The little town of Emory, Virginia is probably about the same in population compared to Copey…when you do not count the 1,100 students attending the college. Although a very large number of the college’s students attended high schools within 100 miles of this campus, there are many other students who come from places much farther away. In fact, I did meet a senior student this week from Bellingham, Washington. According to this student, attending Emory & Henry College has been a life changing experience and she has nothing but praises for her soon to be Alma mater.

My chest is proudly sticking out a little farther lately because this Blog recorded its 4000 hit mark last week. Of course, you deserve the real credit because you choose to click on the site and that is what gets counted. If you did not visit the site, this count would not be now heading to the 5,000 mark.

students 2 poster

In Copey, students at the Learning Center were actually researching St. Patrick’s Day and made posters to highlight the event.

We all assume that green beer was not served when the posters were presented. This teaching exercise helped the students become more aware of different cultures, places, and people with the use of the English language.

students 3 final posters

You will note that the posters are written in English. As a side note, it seems the students are always smiling and appear very happy about being at the Learning Center.

We continue to see things materialize with the upcoming “Big Parking Lot Sale”. Several donors have contacted me to report they have several items for the “Sale”. I continue to urge those living nearby the Tri-Cities to participate and join in on this major project. It can only be a “Big Parking Lot Sale” with your help.

I will be back home later this week and will hit the ground running to resume my efforts to keep the fundraising project moving forward along with a few other “Friends” projects. I continue to appreciate all your support and very proud of what we manage to accomplish. Keep praying for our success.


Yesterday #24 finished in 10th place. Some improvement from last week’s effort but we need to get into the winner’s circle…soon. So you fans who are with me and Jeff, keep pulling for his first win of the season.

One thought on “Now This Is God’s Country….”

  1. I so enjoyed reading the March 23 post. I too know the beauty and history of that area – I actually became homesick reading about East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. Many good memories – had a opportunity to visit there almost two years ago and take my husband to see where I grew up … that was exciting. Also, I enjoyed reading about the students at the Copey Learning Center and their research of St. Patrick’s Day. Continue your good work so that the students can do good work.

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